Monday, January 25, 2010

Gemma at 3

Gemma at 3 is such fun, I enjoy her very much and our days together. She has discovered Dora and Diego, likes the shows very much, of course she has always loved her movies. The other day I spent a Very loooong time figuring out which show she wanted, I record the Go, Diego,Go shows for her and she wanted to watch "Pixie Mmarkasot" Now tell me you know what that is.... after much discussing she finally said "you know mom the smallest monkey's in the jungle" she wanted to watch the episode with the pygmy marmosets! Crisis averted LOL
She is still in her Princess stage in that she only wears dresses, and only certain dresses at that. I was lucky to find that Costco has some beautiful tea-length Easter/Spring dresses right now and they clean up and wash better than the traditional Princess dress-up dresses but still have the Princess quality in that they are pink, have tulle, bows and flowers.
She cracks me up all day long... Lately she has begun hitting and while that is NOT OK.... this is a usual conversation:
Gemma: Mommy Jade hit me!
Me: I sure hope not... Jade did you hit Gemma?
Jade: She hit me first*tears*
Me: Jade don't hit. Gemma did you hit Jade?
Gemma: Not on the arm *tears*
Me: What?
Gemma: I hit jade on the head she hit me on the arm *howling now*
Me: (trying not to laugh) Gemma don't hit... Jade don't hit.

There is also a "blue triangle Rawr, with sharp teeth and a tail" living in Gemma's room. This is what she tells me when she is crawling into bed with me every night, presumably so that I won't put her back in her bed.

Another conversation with Gemma:
background We were at Costco with Grandma Rory....
Rory: Gemma would you wear this? (Holding up a very cute pant and jacket set)
Gemma: I think I shouldn't .
needless to say there is no point in purchasing said outfit after that answer.

She calls our house her "castle" and loves to feed her birds (wild ones)
We recently signed up for netflix
Me: Gemma let's go get the mail.
Me: Look sweetie there is a movie
Gemma: A movie? Where did it come from?
Me: The mailman brought it.
Gemma: HE did(awed wonder) In the mailbox?

She askes everyone "How much olders are you" Which means how old are you. And she requires an actual number.
If you ask her what color her hair is she tells you"my hair is gold"

She hates having her hair combed but loves braids and to have her hair fixed, go figure :-) She likes to have control over the T.V. and if it's on anything other than what she picked she says "Not channel 13! "
She is willing to try pretty much any food, her favorites are jelly toast, spaghettio's broccoli, corn, peas and shaghetti., oh and doughnuts. She is a great eater! She is very bossy and opinionated, yet so very sweet and loveable. She loves to help me do everything but especially cook and laundry.

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