Saturday, July 24, 2010

sad day

So a couple of weeks ago James was coming home from work when some idiot who was texting hit him on the freeway in a construction zone. took out the whole passenger side of our/my pathfinder.
Plus side no injuries save for the car :-(
negative side the insurance opted not to fix it because my car is older (99)
So James will fix it for me to drive, until early next year then I will get a new car :-) I kind of want a sports car haha that's what the rental agency gave us to drive and I really like it (pic to come)

So it has been forever!!!!

I know it has been a very long time since I have up dated my blog. Sorry about that.

The above picture Cisco made a hut/fortress in the front room for Jade and Gemma one day.

James has had a huge project this year in rebuilding his trucks engine, for those of you who understand/know he took the engine down to the crank shaft, basically you can't go any deeper than that. Jade really enjoyed herself helping him she was out every time he was and got just as dirty as he did :-) good job guys!
Jade and Gemma wanted a purse so I found a pattern that I then modified to what I wanted, this is what we came up with :-)