Thursday, January 29, 2009

We found Woody!!!!

(Notice she is wearing Buzz socks)
I have been on a 2 month quest... Gemma is in love with Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. It is very, very difficult to find anything from Toy Story because it is 10 years old. Anyway right before Christmas I found a beanie size Buzz (He is about 9") and she has carried him around ever since. I think it is cute that she loves them so much.
On Tuesday I called the Disney store in Orem to see if they had anything new from Toy Story, mostly anything Woody. The Sales rep told me they had a 17" Woody and Buzz that was also available online. I asked him to hold the very last Woody and we went down to get him, I knew he would be bigger than Buzz but it was a Woody, well when we got there and I was going to pay for him the girl saw the Buzz Gemma had and she showed me this Woody. I cannot tell you how excited Gemma and I were. She was laughing and covering him with kisses and so very happy to have him! The store only had 2 left so of course I bought them both, (one to save in case one gets lost) I was told that the day before they got in 15 of the 10" and 20 of the 17" and when I got there they only had 1 17" and 2 10" left!
Now I get to keep track of both of them since they go everywhere with us! On a side note I was also very fortunate to find a brand new Bullseye (he's the horse in toy Story 2) on eBay so hopefully we will receive him next week!

Jade dressed Gemma up in some of her dance clothes.
This picture makes me laugh!
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1 comment:

lori parkhurst said...

I can't believe how grown up she is. In the mug shot, I think she looks like you. Ever since she was born I have thought that she looks just like James. As she is getting older, I think she looks more like you!