Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gemma at 2

Gemma's favorite movies are:
Toy Story 1 &2, She is in love with Buzz Lightyear (cute huh?)
Horton hears a Who
Monster Inc.

We still cannot take her in the car without a movie, but so long as we have the DVD player in the car she is really good in the car. She is my little friend and I don't go anywhere without her.
She is very determined and bossy and she knows what she wants.

favorite toys:
the DI Box of clothes
we found BUZZ, Woody and Bullseye toys
She loves books... all the books
Puzzles and likes to color

She likes all food but especially quesadillas, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peas, and beans. She loves to share my Cafe Rio salad with me, and to eat off of Daddy's plate.
She doesn't care for potatoes in any form, or eggs in any form which is funny because those are two of Jade's faves.

Cute things she says:
"It's NOT Fair"
"Be Careful"
"tell her love her daddy!"
"I bonked my bean"
She loves to get dressed and changes her clothes at least 10 times a day.

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