Monday, January 10, 2011


These starfish were all over in the area that is called King's Bath. It is a tide pool that is at the resort, it is very full of all sorts of sea life. We saw sea cucumbers, sea worms that looked like fuzzy caterpillars. There were sea fans and coral formations as well as tropical fish that would eat out of our hands. Side note to that Gemma learned that fish have teeth and do bite! She was feeding saltines to the fish and one of them got a bit aggressive it bit her thumb & caused a bit of stress for her since it was bleeding and it left grooves from it's teeth down her thumb nail.
There were sea urchins ans stingrays about the size of a large dinner plate. In the crevices of the rocks there were these starfish at first I thought I found an octopus, but after I fished it out of it's hole we realized it was a starfish. They are really neat! It is flexible and soft and can move very quickly.
I didn't get a picture of Jade with the starfish she found, but this on is the same size.
Jade and Cisco found these two starfish while snorkeling at the resort.
Gemma walked out and picked this one up. It was neat though because it kept sending out it's "sticky feet" and sticking to Gemma.

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