Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pretty dress

We went back to school shopping for shoes the other day, and Gemma AKA Sweetie picked out these pretty glitter shoes, it was very cute because when grandma Rory asked her if she liked them Gemma said "They are perfect!" so of course we had to get them. :-)
The dress also has a story, it used to be Jade's and it was in the DI pile... in the basement... in a bag, and Gemma found it, calls it her "pretty dress" and I have had to wash it every night after she goes to sleep for the last 3 weeks, it is the only thing she will wear. The sad thing is it it very embarrassing, it has a hole in the side and a stain on the front that I haven't been able to bleach out, and it is 2 sizes too big. Idid mend the hole. And it isn't worth the grief to try and make her wear something else.
Jade's black eye.
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