Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jade's Baptism

Jade got baptised on 2-07-2009. I can't believe how big she is!
It was an extremely special event, Her Great grandpa Hudson did the honors! She and grandpa have an extremely special bond and relationship. Jade asked him to baptise her and luckily Grandpa Richard was not offended, (He has baptised all of us, and blessed all the kids)
Doesn't she look pretty in her new dress.
We didn't have a party or anything, but we took her out to lunch since that is what she loves to do. We decided to try out The Golden Corral. Jade had a blast trying all of the food and using a new plate every time. It was very cute to watch her. Congratulations Big Girl!
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Chris and Jana said...

Congratulations Jada! We're so proud of you! We miss you so much and wish we could have been there. We miss you guys!

Rory said...

This was a very special day for a very special girl. To have Grandpa Hudson baptize and confirm her meant a lot especially since they have such a close bond. Good Job!