James had to dress up for work this year and I had mentioned that he should dress up as a crazy cat lady... Well Jade thought that was hilarious! A few days later she was still talking about it so I took her down to D.I to see if there was any suitable costume ingredients.... She found enough cats to fill a bag and a gold purse and a lovely blue shawl and head wrap. She came home and cut out a ton of cat pictures to glue into a "photo" album and attached some cats to the shawl, found some jewelery and even came up with a name for the character "Jolene"
I don't know if James was as amused as Jade was but he was a good sport and he wore the costume to work, complete with a baggie of cat treats and a camera for taking pictures of cats.... it really was funny, he didn't want me to take pictures though but I did convince him to let me take a few, "Jolene" is showing Jade all of her cats...
Oh my gosh that is hilarious! I love that costume. You are a good sport James, that was awesome. You are very creative Jade.
That last one was from Jana by the way, I am logged in as my mom.
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