Monday, February 16, 2009

Pretty Cookies

I have been on a quest... John-Paul made some cookies a few weeks ago that were so pretty! He never bakes cookies and I on the other hand am always baking cookies, because you know they are the lost food group. Anyway I wanted to make cookies that looked like his. So I got his recipe, which by the way make fabulous cookies, and I gave it a try.... Well the first time they looked alright, and if you hadn't of ever seen his they would have been fine, however I wasn't satisfied so for valentine's Day I tried again and I was successful! YAY so I had to take a picture before they were all pigged down!
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lori parkhurst said...

Those do look beautiful. Okay I haven't seen you in forever. I think I am going to make a special trip out to see you. How does monday look for you?

Chris and Jana said...

Those do look good, I might have to beg for that recipe. My cookies don't turn out like that.