We went up to Temple Quarry on 10/01/2011. I had never been there before it was very pretty. The whole thing with Family Pictures started with my mom-in-law. She wanted to do pictures, and she hired Photogenix to do hers, so being the buggy daughter in law I asked my mom if we could meet up there earlier the same day to do just my family, plus I wanted to have Sampson be in them too so this way I took Samps and then my mom took him to her house while we did the other pics. The pictures turned out great and what follows are a few.
my poor kids/family ended up being there for half the day since we did ours then my in-laws came and we did theirs. On the plus side it was a beautiful day and we didn't have to go twice :-)
(side note: I wasn't able to publish any of the vertical pictures because I am doing this with a CD and it wouldn't allow me to rotate the pics, Most of my favorites are vertical. oh well)