It is so fun , yet kind of hard to believe that my baby is 5.
Some fun facts about Gemma are:
Her hair is gold and she wants it to be long like Rapunzel.
Gemma is very artsy, she draws, and colors and creates all day long.
She has quite a way with words and really is fun to listen to when she is describing things.
She is left handed,
Girly, very girly. She wears a skirt or dress every day.
She loves Monster High
She wants to tell time really bad and works at it every day.
Her favorite time of day is when Jade gets home from school.
I can take this kid-let any where and she is so good.
Very Sweet
Very Stubborn
Excellent sharer
Organized, likes things to be where they go
loves shoes and dresses
loves vegetables, artichokes in particular
Favorite color is gold
favorite food is Hot Dogs and Spaghetti
Loves her Uncle John-Paul, Says he is hers and Jade can have Uncle Markie
Gets so excited when we go With Grandma Rory
can ride a two-wheeler and scooter
She enjoys seeing movies in the theater
She is the boss and knows it
Going to the Library and reading
Fun friend to all
Great helper, so much so that if I am not careful she will do the laundry herself.
She always has a kind word for everybody, and I mean everybody, in the store she will compliment random people on their hair, jewelery, shoes, clothes..... everything.
Very observant she notices everything! Not sure if this is because for the majority of the time she is essentially an only child...
Great Horned toad catcher
Appreciates all the animals
Loves her dog Sampson
loves her Dad
Awesome Little sister to Cisco and Jade
My Best Buddy