Gemma has started pulling this face whenever she wants to make me laugh. It works every time!
Oh Dear.... Busy girl, she got into my lotion.....What do you do except take a picture and laugh.
Feeding the birds at grandma Rory's
Gemma is also on a "bound-aid" kick. She needs one for everything, here she bumped her bean. We go through many bound-aids in a day.
I also want to jot down some of the cute things she says, so that I don't forget.
"It's NOT fair!" (in the proper context)
"I can't found it"
"My Jill" This is what she calls me, mostly when other people are around. If she can't see me she asks " Where's my Jill?"
"No yell me" for the record no yelling has to occur for her to say this, I try to reserve yelling for only when danger is involved, so mostly its when she doesn't want to mind.
She calls Jade "Sister" I think it is so cute.
"It's mine?" When she wants something or if its Jade's.
'Of course" also in the proper context, it's cute.
'yinon" is Lion "rebras" are Zebras, "raffs" are Giraffes. She doesn't like any bugs especially flying ones and crawling ones ( I am pretty sure that covers all the bugs) She has a temper and thinks that she should always be in Jades room. I guess she is 2 :-)
She loves her movies, and her blanket that she named "colors". She is a clothes changer and changes 15 times a day.... It is not worth the battle to try and stop her. She gave up naps last fall, I was not ready... but what do you do. However she does go to bed at 7:45 and gets up around 8:30a.m. so that is nice. She makes me laugh all day and she is my little shadow and a sweetie. Currently I cannot be out of her sight at all! I love spending all day with her and I am so glad that I can.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Cisco counting his eggs to see if he found them all... he hadn't yet.
Gemma's haul (Not the four wheeler, that was from Santa)
Gemma's haul (Not the four wheeler, that was from Santa)
Easter Morning
Pre-Easter fun...
We go up to James' parents property every year for Easter. It is a lot of fun we dye eggs, this year we tried a Tye dye kit, it was a lot of fun and the eggs turned out really neat, however it was a lot of work, we also had a cute kit to decorate the eggs into bugs. and this year there was an Easter egg hunt in town.

This was after the Easter egg hunt in town, of course we had to visit the Easter bunny.
Jade lined up for the hunt. All of the kids were in a different part of the park and Cisco had the camera with Jade, I was with Gemma. Gemma made the best haul, there were plastic eggs and real eggs, and every time Gemma picked up a real egg she said "nope" and put it back on the ground. She only wanted the plastic eggs. Come to find out the plastic ones had prizes in them, Gemma picked up enough eggs for all of us to get a free drink and fries and corn dogs... free lunch! She also picked up 6 prize eggs and got a Life saver egg, a bag of snickers eggs, a stuffed bunny, stuffed bear, Mickey Mouse fleece blanket and a Tinkerbell fleece blanket. All of them were good sized prizes. We didn't want Dalton to feel left out so I gave him the egg with the Mickey blanket and the Life Savers egg.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Disney on Ice
On March 14 we went to Disney on Ice. We went with Joey, Cerissa, Charly and Grandma Rory. It was a lot of fun. We met up for dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen...Yummy! then we walked over to ESA. I wasn't sure if it would be the same as the last one, it wasn't. It was nice because it was different enough to make it a new experience. Gemma loved it her favorite part was "Honey" which is Sebastian from the Little Mermaid. Jade and Gemma wore their princess dresses.
It was great fun to go with Joey and his family and with Grandma Rory!
We missed you Chris and Jana!
It was great fun to go with Joey and his family and with Grandma Rory!
We missed you Chris and Jana!
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